Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Queen of the World

Do you remember playing King of the Hill when you were younger? I do! Right now I am mentally playing Queen of the World in my head. If I were Queen of the World what would I do?

If the children weren’t playing well together and were constantly fighting, I would send them to their rooms and isolate them. This practice involved making sure that the children didn’t share a room.

Well the same principle could work in international affairs. Right now we are on the edge of calamity in the Middle East. The children aren’t playing well together. With the Israeli and Palestinian people both seeking solutions to problems, violence has played a role in the problem resolution/escalation.

If both children had their own room, then they could be separated and isolated until they could deal with each other without violence.

The Palestinian areas are impoverished places to live. According to the CIA the Gaza strip has a 40% unemployment rate and 70% of the people are impoverished. If I believed my children were without hope of surviving, I would be angry. The Palestinians, need freedom from Israel. Obviously sharing room doesn’t work for them
Israel has to sleep with a gun beside them for fear of attacks. Obviously sharing a room isn’t working out for them either.

The objective of compromise is for each side to give up something in order to gain something they really want.

Both sides need to give up claims to land just like my children had to give up claims to disputed toys. At the same time, Palestine gains freedom and real hope to develop their country. Israel gains a greater sense of security and hope that their children can walk the streets safely. It is a win/win situation.

Mothers in both countries could celebrate brighter futures for their children.

If I were Queen of the World, I would send them to separate rooms.

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