Sunday, May 9, 2010


Yesterday, I went to the laundromat and washed 15 loads of my son’s clothes. He had used the trunk of his old car as a storage bin for his clothes when he moved in with me temporarily last August. Those clothes got wet at some time during the storage. When his car died and we had to get rid of it, he emptied the trunk and brought all of those clothes into the condo. The smell of clothes was noticeable in the living room. Since my washer is still waiting for a timer, I took all of those clothes and washed them.

Today is Mother’s Day, but yesterday was too. I am a mother every day. As mothers, we clean up after our children because we love them and we can’t stand to live in mess. It weighs on our souls. When the children need money they call on BOM (Bank of Mom) or BOD (Bank of Dad). We fork over the cash, knowing that it probably won’t come back to us. We don’t loan anything that we can’t afford to make a gift of.

I don’t like to clean up after my children and to give them money but I do because my parents did the same for me. We give what we have to those we love. Love is a powerful motivator but even so, there are times when you have cut your children off and practice tough love. You need to say no sometimes.

The politicians who have been in charge of running this country, have not been doing a good job. They argue with each other rather than negotiate. They take mule headed positions and have “refused [their] assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.” I have taken the quote from the Declaration of Independence and substituted “his assent” for “their assent.” Members of Congress have negotiated bills and then refused to vote on them because of their party affiliations.

Additionally, they have passed laws that have angered the majority of the American public. The use of BOC (Bank of Citizen) has been without the consent of the majority of the citizens of this country and without the loving kindness of BOM or BOD.

Congressmen and Senators are so heavily embedded with lobbyists that they do not see any problem with this. Vice President Joe Biden was nicknamed the Senator from MBNA, a large credit card bank that was bought by Bank of America, because of his close ties with that banking industry.

When the people we elect to office are in cahoots with the people who are taking advantage of us, it raises many questions of ethics and integrity. Members of both houses of Congress are out of touch with the reality of the average American and because of this we need to take the electoral vacuum and clean house in Washington. When we clean house, we must be equally careful of whom we elect to replace the current members or we will be back in the same position.

It is time to show tough love and vote not for a candidate because he or she is Democrat or Republican. Vote for people of integrity who are moderate and can understand the views of both the liberals and conservatives. We need to choose people whom we believe will represent our interests rather than their own, lobby groups or the interest of their party. If we do not place effective people in office who will negotiate for our best interest, the use of BOC will be out of control.

I would like to add a request that you forward this blog to everyone you know. It is important to build the reform movement.

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