Friday, May 14, 2010

Why Me

Why do I feel that you should vote for me for President. Why me?

Just to let you know why I feel I am qualified for President.

Here is a list:

I am not a career politician. I've made my money the old fashion way. I work.

I am not in the pocket of any lobby.

I live in the same economic mire that the rest of the average citizens live in.

I am moderate. I believe in working in the middle.

My son says that I would not make a good politician because I do not like to hurt people. I believe this is a plus and not a minus. It would be nice to have someone in office who doesn't like to see people hurt.

I live from pay check to pay check just like the rest of Americans and understand the issues faced.

I believe we should protect our children and our elderly. The children are our future and the elderly have paved the way for us to have what we have.

I believe in securing the American borders.

I believe in a strong military and in making sure that we provide a living wage for those who serve our country. While I was against the invasion of Iraq, I believe it is necessary to finish the mission there and in Afghanistan.

I believe in providing quality medical care for veterans.

I believe in working for a living.

I believe that our government representatives should eat at the same table we eat at. They should recieve the same retirement and the same health plan that other government workers received.

I believe in investing in technological innovation. It results in jobs.

I believe that legislation should be understandable to the average person.

I believe our law makers should have to read the legislation they vote on.

I believe that riders should not be placed in legislation.

I believe in open debate of the issues and compromise.

I believe in free, public education and accountability, but not in high stakes testing.

I believe in alternative energy development and that dependence on oil needs to be eliminated.

I believe in living on a budget. When I've gotten myself into a financial mess, I've dug my way out.

I believe in a nationwide mass transit system.

I believe that people are tired of paying the bills for pleasures they can't afford and are tired of bailing out irresponsible big business.

I believe in the strength and goodness of the American people.

There are many other issues that I haven't addressed, but if you would like to know how I feel about any particular issue e-mail me at

I believe I need getting the word out. Please discuss me in your blogs, e-mails, facebooks, tweets. Also, watch for my upcoming website.

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