Thursday, June 10, 2010

Chicken vs. Skunks

I used to fix chicken for dinner every almost night. It was versatile and cheap. I could do so many things with it. One chicken could be turned into three meals. We had chicken casserole (1/2 of the chicken), chicken salad (the other half of the chicken) and chicken and rice soup (from the skin and bones).

There comes a time when you just don’t want any more of something. By the time my oldest son reached adulthood, he didn’t want any more chicken. He said he had “had enough” and he quit eating it for several years. I wonder what would have happened if Brooks quit eating chicken and started eating skunk meat simply because it was different from what he had been eating.

I can’t image that it would have been healthy for him. Skunks smell so badly that it is difficult to believe the meat would be good.

Well, the voters of South Carolina are so fed up with what is going on in government, they voted for an unknown Democratic Party candidate who is facing felony charges. His name just happened to be first on the ballot and he wasn’t one of the incumbents. So they voted for him.

Please be careful who you vote for. Research the candidates. Don’t get so disgusted with what you have that you vote a skunk into office just to get rid of the unpalatable chicken you have.

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