Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'll be back

This will be the last blog I write for about 10 days. For the next 10 days I’ll be spending time with my mother, step-father, daughter and four of my grandchildren, so I don’t know how much time I’ll have to blog. Don’t give up on me. I’ll be back.
I love my family. All them! I can’t imagine anyone not loving their family as much as I do mine. As a mother, I look at my mother and have greater respect for her every day. I’m not sure I could have done as well as she has done dealing with the same situations she has dealt with. Each generation has its own hardships.

We learn to appreciate our mothers when we become mothers. We learn to love without condition when we hold our babies in our arms and watch them struggle into adulthood. No loving mother wants their child to suffer or to live in hopeless conditions. That is why it is so important that we defend our democracy and that we don’t let it go so far to the left or to the right.

It would be dangerous for our children if we allowed our country to develop into a full Socialist state. While we have some socialist programs, it would be dangerous for our children if we allowed the government to take over too many areas of our lives. I want my children and grandchildren to have opportunities to advance in life that are not dependent on the government making the decisions for them. I want them to be as self-sufficient as possible.

It is equally important that we don’t go too far to the right. We must take care of the members of society who are vulnerable and can’t take care of themselves. We must also insist that the government protect us when we can’t protect ourselves and we are not always able to protect ourselves. The more complex the society, the harder it is. I can’t protect myself from contaminated waters sources when industries dump pollutants that can make their way into the water supply.

None of us can protect ourselves from the damage caused by the oil spill. We really need government to effectively regulate that industry. However, government should not focus on taking over business as they did with General Motors. That is not the role of government.

As a loving mother, I want my children to have the opportunities that capitalism offers, but I also want them to be protected from exploitation, environmental contamination, and unethical practices. We need a government that is large enough to do the job, but not so large that it takes over everything for us. Long live democracy.

Well I’ll be back on line in about ten days with some new stories.

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