Monday, June 28, 2010

Stick to the facts

I have been sitting in meetings for the past month with adults who cannot speak with civility when discussing issues. It is wearing on the nerves. How do people get to be adults and believe they can speak in any tone of voice they wish? Lack of civility simply escalates the problems, it doesn’t address solve any of the issues that are being discussed.

These same adults preened themselves and made sure that everyone in the room knew that their mothers’ had raised them correctly and taught them well. They called on their religious backgrounds to give evidence that it was okay for them to speak disrespectfully and block out any point of view that was not their own.

It seems to be human nature to take a position and to justify it even when it is not the opinion of the majority. Each generation of people have their own definition of acceptable behavior. For my generation, you didn’t take ugly in public. If you had to have a “discussion” with someone, it was done in private, resolved, and the parties emerged with an “understanding.” It was considered vulgar to shout at people, insult their ideas and insult them.

I insulted a teacher when I was in elementary school and my father took me home to explain it to me. Then he took me back to school and stood in the doorway while I apologized. The apology had to be as public as the insult.

Okay, maybe everyone didn’t have the same rearing that I had, but my rear was definitely held accountable for the tone of voice that I used as well as the words that came out of my mouth.

The mid-term election is approaching in November and the candidates, while not as ugly as during a presidential election year, have already started pointing out each others’ faults, insulting, and justifying their past behaviors. Enough is enough. Give the voters a break and just talk about the issues. Stick to the facts. What will you do if you are elected? How do we know we can believe you?

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